The Time Sweeper

Polynomials over Zp


There are known processes to define some blackbox polynomials, such as Newtons’ or Lagrange’s Interpolation methods, but these are require a large set of points, and are only meant to approximate the polynomial. This article proposes an algorithm to do a similar task with only one point, through a test oracle, within the degree of the poynomial iterations.


A polynomial is an object that resides inside an abelian group (whose direct operation is addition), more precisely a commutative ring. In general, univariate polynomial expressions can be written as:

\begin{equation} \label{eq:1} P(x) = a_n x^n + a_{n-1} x^{n-1} + \cdots + a_0, \quad a_n \in \mathbb{Z}, \quad n \in \mathbb{N} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} P(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{n} a_k x^k, \quad a_k \in \mathbb{Z}, \quad n \in \mathbb{N} \end{equation}

The method presented, works when one has the possibility to guess parameters such as:

Note that if one may ask the blackbox for a large prime number, \(\log_{q} P(q) + 1 \approx \deg P\) is a good guess for the degree of the polynomial.


This algorithm is designed to find all the coefficients of a given polynomial over a ring \(Z_p[x]\), where the coefficients are positive integers, (it is also possible to execute a variation when the coeffiecients can be negative integers). The algorithm needs as input exacly one point, ie. \((x,P(x))\). The output is a list of the coefficients of the given polynomial, with the size of the estimation of the degree.

Sets of the algorithm:

  1. Let \(deg\) be the guessed degree of the polynomial, \((p,q)\) the pair \((x,P(x))\), and L an empty list;
  2. Generate a prime bigger than \(max\);
  3. From \(i=0\) to \(deg\);
    1. \(tmp = q \mod p\);
    2. Append to \(L\) the value \(tmp\);
    3. \(tmp = tmp // p\);
    4. \(i = i + 1\);
  4. Return \(P(x) = L[0] + L[1]x + \cdots + L[deg]x^{deg}\);
  5. Halt.


For a polynomial where the coefficients are positive or null integers, it takes \(\mathcal{O}(deg)\) where \(deg \approx \deg P(x)\) iterations. However, if there might be negative coefficients, then the algorithm needs to assume that the value computed in that iteration might be wrong, ie. save both the value of \(temp\), compute again \(tmp = p-tmp\) and save \(tmp\) in another list that has all the coefficients until now computed. This nondeterministic approach would make this algorithm belong to NEXPTIME and NEXPSPACE. Still, note that in practice one might assume somethings about blackbox polynomials, and this complexity be reduced to a smaller class (both in time and space). If there is the possibility to have two points from the polynomial, its possible to verify if the coefficient is indeed positive or negative, removing the need for saving all the possibilities and checking at the end which branch returned, thus having the same complexity as the method proposed above, downgrading the time and space complexity.


Given a polynomial \(P(x)\), for example \(P(x) = 7 x^3 + 4 x^2 + 2 x + 8\), ask for a random prime point, for example \(x = 11\), we have:

\begin{equation} P(11) = 7 (11)^3 + 4 (11)^{2} + 2 (11) + 8 = 9381 \end{equation}

We want to extract the coefficients with this point, \(P(11) \equiv 7 (11)^3 + 4 (11)^{2} + 2 (11) + 8 \pmod{11}\). Since \(P(11)=9831\) is a the sum of multiples of \(11\), then: \(P(11) \equiv 8 \pmod{11}\). We found \(a_{0}=8\), let’s find \(a_{1}\):

\begin{align*} P(11) - a_{0} & = 9831 - 8 = 9823 \\ P(11) - 8 & = 7 (11)^3 + 4 (11)^{2} + 2 (11) + 8 - 8 \\ = 11( 7 (11)^2 + 4 (11) + 2) \\ \end{align*}

Note that \(P(11) - 8 \equiv 0 \pmod{11}\)

\begin{align*} \frac{P(11) - 8}{11} &\equiv \frac{11(7(11)^2 + 4(11) + 2)}{11} \pmod{11} \\ &\equiv 7(11)^2 + 4(11) + 2 \pmod{11} \\ &\equiv 2 \pmod{11} \\ \end{align*}

Found \(a_{1}=2\), let’s find \(a_{2}\):

\begin{align*} \frac{P(11) - 8}{11} - 2 &\equiv 7(11)^2 + 4(11) + 2 - 2 \pmod{11} \\ &\equiv 7(11)^2 + 4(11) \pmod{11} \\ &\equiv \frac{7(11)^2 + 4(11)}{11} \pmod{11} \\ &\equiv \frac{11(7(11) + 4)}{11} \pmod{11} \\ &\equiv 7(11) + 4 \pmod{11} \\ &\equiv 4 \pmod{11} \\ \end{align*}

Found \(a_2=4\), we just need one more iteration:

\begin{align*} \frac{\frac{P(11) - 8}{11} - 2}{11} - 4 &\equiv 7(11) + 4 - 4 \pmod{11} \\ \frac{\frac{P(11) - 8}{11} - 2}{11} - 4 &\equiv 7(11) \pmod{11} \\ \frac{\frac{\frac{P(11) - 8}{11} - 2}{11} - 4}{11} &\equiv \frac{7(11)}{11} \pmod{11} \\ &\equiv 7 \pmod{11} \\ \end{align*}

At last, found \(a_{3}=7\). We defined the whole polynomyal with only one point. Nevertheless, why did we ask for the \(P(11)\)? Since we knew in advance that \(a_{3},a_{2}, a_{1} \text{ and } a_{0} \in \mathbb{Z}[8]\), a good guess for \(x\), would be the first following prime number after the maximum element of the set of coefficients (in this case it is \(8\)), to get the best optimization regarding space and time.


The method presented offers a potential approach for attacking polynomials, assuming that certain parameters, such as the degree and maximum coefficient, can be guessed accurately. However, the accuracy of the initial guesses remain crucial for the success of the attack.
